What is the secret of my perfet winged eyeliner

If your eyeliner is so sharp it could kill a man . Haha! funny but  true . A perfect  winged liner can  change the entire look . I love to live my life as a free bird so I love to add wing to my eyeliner also . Life is not perfect but your winged liner can be . With some simple steps you can get a perfectly drawn dramatic winged eyeliner . So lets see how can you become perfect to folllow this hottest trend that can go with almoat any kind of makeup look . Well their are three types of eyeliner - gel , liquid and pencil . Its completely upon you which type of eyeliner you use . But I personally love to begin with gel eyeliner then set it  with a liquid one . There are many makeup  brands which sale eyeliner but you need to be very careful while choosing your eyeliner . First  thing you should keep on mind is that the eyeliner should be waterproof and the pigmentation and staying power should be good .It should also be smudge-proof . I always suggest to apply a primer first before applying any eye-makeup . There are many colors available when it comes to eye-liner . Such as black , grey . brown , green . violate , blue etc . But I personally prefer to use black . There are many ways to create a perfect wing . You can use  a business card or tape and place  it on the outer edge of your eyes in an angle you want your wings to be and then drag a line along with the outline of that tape or card and then extend the line along with your upper lash line . But What I do is to draw small dots along the lash line in the shape I want my wings to be and then simply connecting the dots I create my perfect wing .then I fill in the blank space between the lines with my eyeliner brush and extend the liner to the inner corners of the eyes . But remember  you need not thicken the liner on the inner corner . I draw the dots with liquid eyeliner and then connecct it  by using a gel-liner . In the end I love to apply some liquid eyeliner on top of that gel eyeliner to thicken it and make the  color more pigmented . One basic thing you should keep on mind while applying a gel eyeliner . You need a good eyeliner brush . Angled brushes are really good to draw  a perfect wing . My personal favourite eyeliner brush is MAC 210 precise eyeliner brush . I love to begin with my eye makeup first so that you can always clean the excess fall outs   . So my favourite eye-liner is mac gel eyeliner in the shade blacktrack and my favourite liquid eye liner is MAC liquid eyeliner in the shade boot black . I love the lakme absolute gloss artist eyeliner in the shade black also .


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