Tips for sensitive skin

Hello lovelies today I will discuss about sensitive skin . Many people faces a lot of problems because of their sensitive skin . For an example their skin irritates whenever they scrub their face or at time of using some new products . So let us discuss about how can take care about the sensitive skin .

1. First of all if you have sensitive skin then your skin should be irritated after using some new skin products so while using a new product use a little amount on a small portion of your hand and wait for 7-8 hours . If your skin is irritated by that product and you can see any redness or freak outs on your skin so stop using that product and if not then the product is safe for you .

2. If you have sensitive skin then you should be very careful while choosing products .  It does not always necessary that all hypoallergenic products are suitable for you . You should test it on your skin first . Always read the labels carefully and use products free from paraben , preservatives and fragrances . these are the common irritants of the sensitive skin . Always remember the less ingredients on the ingredient list the safe the product is .

3. Apply a mild cleanser to cleanse your skin really well . Cleanse twice a day . Keep your skin clean . After cleansing apply some toner and then moisturizer . For people having sensitive skin moisturizing is really necessary . Do not let your skin get dry . Use a mild moisturizer which shoud be hypoallergenic but do not forget the patch test .

4. Do not forget to use sunscreen regularly . If you have sensitive skin then your skin should be extra sensitive towards the rays of Sun . So use mild sunscreen . Do not use a sunscreen which is full of chemicals . Your sunscreen should have SPF30 or higher protect your skin from harmful rays of the Sun .

5. If you have sensitive skin the makeup can be harmful for your skin. Try to put as less makeup as you can on your skin . Do not forget to cleanse your skin really well and then apply some toner , moisturizer and  primer before putting any makeup on skin . Avoid old cosmatics and clean your makeup brushes regularly .

6. Drink as much water as you can to keep your skin healthy and avoid drinking ,smoking and stress , junk foods . Eat fruits and vegetables as much as you can .

So follow these tips to fight against sensitivity and keep your skin healthy and glowing . I hope you find these tips helpful . Thanks a lot for reading .


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