Hello my beautiful ladies..I hope all of you are doing well..So all of us always want to look good..None of us wants to look borring all the time right? Either we are going to office or for a party or a date all the time we are thinking about it how to look glamorous and attractive..Doing proper makeup is a very simply way to look good..but all the time we can't put so much makeup on our face..I mean its really odd..sometimes we need to show our real side..our natural glow..So having a good skin is a must..But to achieve a good skin we need to take good care of our skin..So I want to share some skincare tips which I personally found helpful..

1.Balanced diet 

We use so many skin care products on our skin but often forgot to take care of our diet..Yes its true what we eat is as important as what we apply on our skin..Suppose you are applying papaya face mask on your face no doubt papaya is  very good for our skin but you are eating oily and spicy foods and thinking why you are not getting proper results ? My dear friends if you eat highly processed foods, oily and spicy foods your skin won’t be as strong and supple as it could be. It will be damage soon . Rather we should eat foods which are sources of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that your body can use to build healthy skin.You should avoid sugar also.I replace sugary foods with nutrient-dense foods- like fruit, vegetables and healthy sources of Omega-3 including Fish and other seafood (such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines)Nuts and seeds , Plant oils ,  Fortified foods ( eggs, yogurt, juices, milk, soy , beverages..

2.Water is  a  bliss for skin

I believe that  drinking water gives you a radiant, healthy, younger- looking complexion. Trust me it does .So proper hydration is a must .Because lack of hydration will  turning your skin dry, tight and flaky and it will prone to wrinkles..
So atleast drink 8 glasses of water per day.


washing your face properly is the most important thing for your skincare routine.You should wash your face with a gentle cleanser atleast two times a day , morning and night to remove the dirt and pollutants which clogging the pores of the skin and causing acne and dullness. While choosing cleanser we should be very careful.Always use a mild and gentle facial cleanser.Oily skinned beauties may use foaming liquids , while dry skinned ones use lotions or cleansing milk and those who have sensitive skin should use non-commedogenic products , they can also use oil like coconut oil or argan oil.Always use normal water to clean your face and do not use too hot water..


Well I will not say that toning is a must for your skin but yes it is beneficial..You should apply toner after cleaning your face properly .There are many toners available in market but I love to use homemade products..For toning you can use rose water , green tea , alovera , lemon juice, cucumber  etc..

5.Sunscreen is a must

sunscreen protects your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, which come in two forms – UVA and UVB rays which are really very harmful for our skin..Sunscreens protect your skin from sunburn, discoloration , dark spots , wrinkles and helps to maintain even-toned skin..So whenever you go out don't forget to apply sunscreen..Even at home also you should apply sunscreen because UVA rays have the ability to pass through glass, meaning your skin is exposed to them while you at home or any covered places..Oily skinned beauties should use gel-based sunscreen while those who have dry skin should use a cream based sunscreen..Always go outside  atleast after 15 minutes of application of sunscreen..

Hydration is very important to make your skin healthy.So choosing a good moisturizer is very important.There are many options available in market but you should choose it according to your skin tone .I always prefer using non-commedogenic moisturizers so that it will never harm your skin. Cetaphil dam is a smart choise .But if your skin is so oily you should go for a gel based moisturizer..

7.Make an appointment with a dermatologist
  Dermatologists help you to find out your skin type and accordingly they suggest you skin-care products.Don't use any random products and damage  your skin.Use products according to your skin-type and listen to the suggestions of your dermatologist.

8. Removing makeup properly
All of us love to do makeup..Makeup enhances our beauty but don't let your makeup damage your skin.
You should remove your makeup after coming home every night and let your skin breathe..Remember if you wanna wake up with a glowing skin then removing makeup properly is a must..Don't rub your face too much , be gentle .I love to use coconut oil to remove my makeup as it never makes your skin dry.
.At first wash your face with clean water then gently massage the oil all over your face and then then take a wet cotton pad press softly on your face to pull off the makeup.In case of removing eyemakeup you need to be extra careful and gentle.Softly press that pad.If all makeup can't come out in one attempt you just hold the pad upon your lids and lashes and give it some time to dissolve the makeup there.But do not scrub or rub.Finish it up with using a mild and gentle cleanser.Don't forget to apply moisturizer after washing your face.

9.Sleep well..Don't stress
 Sleeping is very important if you wanna have a healthier looking skin.Atleast sleep 8-10 hours a day
to have a healthy skin.While you're sleeping, the body's hydration re-balances. Skin is able to recover moisture, while excess water in general in the body is processed for removal. If you are not having proper sleep it may results in poor water balance, puffy bags under your eyes and under-eye circles, as well as dryness and visible wrinkles.While if you have a proper sleep your will have a glowing and radiant skin..Lead a stress free life , do yoga and exercises, be happy all the time 😃😃 

So getting a healthy skin is not that difficult you just need to follow some basic things and take good care of your body and your skin and love yourself 😘😘


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